Filename: 70 beautifully designed icons(psd)
File size: 1.01MB (zip)
File format:PSD & PNG
Description of PSD:This icon set is very fine and useful for some ui designers.It contains 70 brilliantly designed icons of various types.Icons size: 32*32.The designers can use to resize them.This icon set include many kinds graphic icons,such as weather icon,arrow icon,etc.It’s created by Pranav Pramod from Pranav Pramod.i dont’ go down for designers the list of icons.You will find some icons you need link.These icons can be used for web design,ui design,etc.Click the download link below the post and start your great designs now!

70 beautifully designed icons (psd)
Download these awesome icons now,Enjoy! If you like it,share it with all your friends.
If you want to get this psd file,Please go to the designer’s web site,link